


Hi there My Name's Mikayla

I live in 

Dayton, Ohio


On May 15th I had a wonderful experience of going to Washington, DC Not then but now I know that is was not only a class trip, it was me finding out what the word "friend" really means. Previously my school had Mexican students come and stay with host families from our school for three weeks. They also went on the trip to Washington with us. When we got there I started to get really close to them. I was dreading the day to come when they had to go back to Mexico! When that day came my Aunt Dee took me to the airport to see them leave. When they left I did not think that we would be able to stay in touch but we exchanged E-mail addresses anyway. And now I have realized that if you have a strong friendship and if they are always in your heart that you will always be friends no matter how far apart you are!

Washington D.C.

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